Tech Support Wiz was established in the year 2017 with the single aim of providing end to end business automation solution to our clients. We are a full service development company specializing in developing software, providing infrastructure and configuration services, providing quality assurance and testing solutions and technical support. Although the company was established in 2017, it is run by a set of experienced professionals each possessing over 2 decades of experience working in various industry verticals.
At Tech Support Wiz, we believe that a complete solution entails not just developing the product, but also recommending the customers the most cost effective solution for their business needs. Implementing the best solution for a unit cost is our ultimate goal for our customers.
In the past, automating or creating a new business service generally involved few vendors to work collaboratively for various aspects of the solution. At Tech Support Wiz, we specialize in all the layers of application and infrastructure development and provide a single vendor opportunity for our clients. Being able to plan and deliver solutions involving all layers of application development enables us to optimize our cost structure and provide best possible options for our customers within the time constraints of the project.
At Tech Support Wiz, we are never complacent with the technology stack we use to implement a particular business solution. We are constantly learning new technologies and paradigms and often have different alternatives for implementing a particular business need. Our team of experts are familiar with the traditional development languages and frameworks as well as modern day frameworks. Although describing an exhaustive list of technologies we use to provide business solutions in few lines is not possible, we provide solutions using traditional structured programming, object oriented, functional technologies to more modern distributed computing and component based software development. On the database design front, our range of expertise spans traditional relational database design, heirarchical design, object oriented and document oriented database design methodologies.
Since its advent, cloud computing has taken the IT world with a storm. The revolutionary cloud computing business models has enabled businesses to drastically reduce their capital expenditure (CAPEX) costs and substitute it with on the demand operational expenses (OPEX). This enabled businesses to quickly provision the IT infrastructure it needs in matter of minutes outsourcing all the infrastructure requirements to the cloud computing platforms. At Tech Support Wiz, we have been following cloud computing development since its inception by various vendors like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure etc. We have a dedicated team of experts providing solutions across different cloud computing models (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS) etc. We provide expertise in migrating on premises solutions to cloud.
Last but not the least, no solution is complete without the necessary support it demands. Not only do we provide support for our solutions, we also provide technical support solutions for your business. Our team of experts helps your business troubleshoot and fix issues related to your computers and peripheral devices and help you configure your networking devices like routers, switches, hubs etc.
If you need any information or need to submit a request for proposal for your business needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-888-639-0222 of fill out the form using contact us.